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What are the processing techniques of the hardware factory

April 14, 2023

Hardware processing can be divided into: automatic lathe processing, CNC processing, CNC lathe processing, five axis lathe processing, according to roughly can be divided into: hardware surface processing, hardware molding processing two categories.Hardware surface processing can be subdivided into: hardware painting processing, electroplating, surface polishing processing, hardware corrosion processing and so on.


1, painting processing: At present, the hardware factory in the production of large hardware products are using painting processing, through painting processing to avoid rust hardware, such as: daily supplies, electrical shell, crafts and so on.

2, electroplating: electroplating is also the most common metal processing of a processing technology, through modern technology to hardware surface plating, ensure that the product for a long time under the use of oxidation, electroplating processing is common: screws, stamping parts, car parts, trinkets and so on.

3, surface polishing processing: surface polishing processing is generally more commonly used in daily necessities, through the surface burr treatment of hardware products, the surface burr polishing treatment, to achieve smooth face, so that there will be no scratches in the process of use, and more beautiful

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